Alex & Jeremy

Adventures continue!


Year 1 Index
Year 2 Index
July 4 Weekend
June 2004
Memorial Day
May 2004
First Birthday!
April 2004
March 2004
February 2004
January 2004
December 2003
November 2003
October 2003
September 2003
Labor Day Weekend
August 2003
July 2004
June 16-30
June 1-15
Memorial Day weekend
May 12-23
May 5-11
The First Week
Early Movies


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² June 2004 ²

Sometimes in June...

 Sometimes Alex & Jeremy climb

 aboard their Rescue Rider and

 go off in search of damsels in 


...sometimes Jeremy cheers on the Yankees

(actually we all do that every night)

Sometimes Jeremy picks out a favorite book to share with his brother...


Sometimes Alex likes to draw...

Sometimes Alex likes just stand- ing around...

Sometimes Scott has to go to Switzerland on business, and Alex thinks that if he sits in front of the suitcase, then Dada won't go...

Sometimes the boys like to help Mummy with the laundry...


Sometimes Jeremy likes to help with the dishes...

Sometimes the boys hang out at Café Zélé...

Sometimes we like hanging out in the John Denver Memorial Park downtown...


Sometimes Alex & Jeremy like to play in the magic water fountain across from the Opera House.  Sometimes they get very, very wet...

Sometimes there is nothing quite so much fun as playing on the slides in Triangle Park...

Sometimes we all like to hike up Smuggler Mountain at the edge of town...

But the most special time of all was when Alex & Jeremy decided to start walking...

Below are two films of Alex showing off his brand new walk!

(Films are very  slow to load, please be patient. Films will start playing when fully loaded)

June beach boys>

In late June we all flew down to

Hollywood for a couple of L.A. days.

çTo join us on the beach, click on a photoè

                                   8proceed to the boys' next PICTURE page...



 updated 08/05/07